A brow lift procedure, also commonly known as a bioplastics or forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure that helps you attain a youthful appearance. The longevity of the results and the brow lift recovery time can depend on various factors. The following guide will delve into everything related to brow lift recovery. Hence, if you would like to learn more about brow lift recovery and what to expect, continue reading.
Brow Lifts Recovery Time: A Day-by-Day Breakdown
The Brow lifts recovery comes in waves; we have sorted the post-operative recovery period timeline, so you don’t have to! It is as follows:
The First Few Days
We recommend that you take these days off and rest in order to avoid complications later on. A brow lift is an outpatient procedure done using general anesthesia or local anesthesia. If you are under general anesthesia and experience nausea, inform your nurse for medication. Ideally, you shouldn’t experience pain. If you do, take mild non-opioid painkillers like Tylenol.
You will notice a light dressing over your brow area. This, however, will be removed within one to two days. You may also have a drain tube in place to drain any access fluids, so don’t panic. Moreover, you will be instructed to keep your head elevated when lying down so you can avoid any unnecessary movements. It is recommended that you don’t bend or lower your head during this time to avoid complications. The brow lifts recovery time depends on several personal factors, and is different for everyone.
The First Week
You will be allowed to take a bath and wash your hair with a natural and gentle soap recommended by your doctor. Moreover, it is possible that you may have some swelling and bruising around your eye, which is completely normal. This bruising usually subsides within a week to 10 days after your surgery.
At the end of the first week, you may visit the surgeon for the removal of any stitches or sutures that may be present from the surgery. If you would like to have a personalized aftercare plan, you can reach out to Jim Brantner, MD, and get the aftercare that you deserve.
The Next Few Weeks
After the surgery, all swelling should have decreased after three weeks. Scars from incisions are usually completely hidden, but even so, they can be covered up with makeup or hair until healing takes place. You should be able to resume almost all of your regular activities at this point, including working and exercising. The procedure will need a few more weeks to “settle in,” and the results will become apparent in roughly six to eight weeks.
How Long Does a Brow Lift Typically Last?
Typically, your brow lift’s results can last between 5-12 years, depending on the technique employed during the procedure. The specific methods being used, such as endoscopic or traditional, can influence the duration of the outcomes. Moreover, the surgeon’s expertise also has an effect on the longevity of your results. If you would also like to get a brow lift procedure, you can contact Jim Brantner, MD, and get a quality one.
Bruising & Swelling: What to Expect After Brow Lift Procedure
Swelling and bruising following a brow lift surgery is completely normal and even expected. It is important to follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions, including taking prescribed medications, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding activities that may put strain on the affected area. The bruising and swelling typically subside within a week or two, and patients can start to enjoy the full benefits of their brow lift.
If the swelling and bruising lasts for over two weeks, it may be a good idea to check in with your surgeon to ensure that your brow lifts recovery is going in the right direction.
Brow Lift Aftercare: Tips for Optimal Healing
Regardless of if you have a temporal brow lift or a coronal brow lift, there are some things that you need to do in order to optimize your healing process. This includes keeping your head elevated, even when sleeping. Moreover, you can also use a cold compress on the area to aid with swelling and pain relief. However, it is important to note that a cold compress will only work for you if you apply it regularly from the initial brow lift recovery periods. For more detailed information on aftercare, doctors usually provide patients with post-operative care instructions that they can follow to optimize their healing time and process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long does it take to look normal after a brow lift?
A: Generally, it takes about two weeks for the swelling and bruising to subside and for you to look normal. This is shorter than the time it takes for facelift procedures.
Q: How long does your head hurt after a brow lift?
A: Most patients will experience pain and discomfort for the first few days after the procedure. Pain can usually be managed with pain medication prescribed by your doctor. This procedure is shorter than our mommy makeover procedures.
Q: What not to do after a brow lift?
A: You should avoid any strenuous activities for at least two weeks after the surgery. This includes exercise, heavy lifting, and bending over. You should also avoid any activity that may raise your blood pressure, such as sauna or hot tub.
Q: Can you still move your eyebrows after a brow lift?
A: Yes, you should still be able to move your eyebrows after the procedure. The movement may be limited temporarily due to swelling and tightness, but this should subside within a few weeks.
Get Brow Lifts Recovery Plans at Jim Brantner, MD
If you are wondering about where to get your brow lifts, you can go for Jim Branter, MD. At Jim Brantner MD, our surgery department is well-equipped with well-qualified doctors with decades of combined experience. Moreover, our state-of-the-art facility uses the latest equipment to perform your brow lift surgery and offers personalized plans to optimize the healing process. We offer a range of cosmetic procedures, including Mommy Makeovers, Breast Lifts, Liposuction, facial plastic surgery, and more! Contact us today and regain a youthful appearance.