Answering the Question “Am I a Good Candidate For an Arm Lift?”

Answering the Question “Am I a Good Candidate For an Arm Lift?”

Few people are totally happy with their looks. While it’s natural to be overly self-critical, occasionally there’s something that could easily be fixed to improve a person’s appearance. Sagging arms are one of those somethings, and a brachioplasty—more commonly known as an arm lift—is the solution.

Why Arm Skin Sags

As we age, the flesh on our arms becomes looser. Genetics means some people’s skin stays tighter longer than others. Sagging skin can be made worse by weight gain, and, sadly, by weight loss.

Loose skin and excessive fat make people self-conscious about showing their arms. The good news is plastic surgeons can remove excess skin and fat from men’s and women’s arms and use body contouring procedures to restore a youthful appearance.

Arm Lift Surgery Basics

If you are wondering whether you are a good candidate for an arm lift, the answer is probably yes. As with any surgery, good health is important and the doctor will check this thoroughly before declaring you suitable for arm lift surgery.

Problems and Solutions

There are a few problems that make people unhappy with their arms, and each has a solution.

  • Very large upper arms with badly sagging skin. This can be the result of several factors, including the natural aging process, weight gain, and weight loss. A full arm lift can greatly reduce the arm’s dimensions and tighten the skin, making it look youthful again. An incision is made along the inner arm where it will not be noticeable.
  • Upper arms that are moderately large with only slightly sagging skin. These are normally caused by a small amount of surplus fat and can be treated using liposuction—an easy procedure that leaves very little scarring. Body contouring is also useful for this condition.
  • Loose skin at the top of the arm and armpit. A mini arm lift can solve this problem. In this case, the incision is hidden within the armpit.
  • Asymmetrical upper arms. This can be corrected by arm lift surgery, sometimes with liposuction.

How Long Do The Effects of Surgery Last?

Patients who maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle and whose weight remains stable can expect the effects of their arm lift to last a long time. Patients will, however, continue to age, so, depending on genetics, signs of this will show on their arms eventually.

Take the First Step to Beautiful Arms Today!

If you want to improve the appearance of your arms, look no further than Jim Brantner M.D. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Johnson City, TN. With over 30 years of experience in the tri-state area, Dr. Brantner and his first-rate plastic surgery team can help you reach your goals.

Call (423) 328-9000 today, to schedule a consultation.