As spring approaches, more men and women begin dieting, exercising, and considering surgical means of boosting their physical appearance. Something about the renewal of spring makes people want to be their best. For many that means getting the cosmetic surgery they’ve been considering for months, or even years. Dr. Brantner understands that with facility fees and time off work, plastic surgery can get expensive. Our office wants to make it as easy as possible for patients to get their ideal results. Look for special discounts on thigh lifts and other popular body rejuvenation procedures this spring.
Thigh Lift Surgery
A thigh lift reshapes the contours of the thighs, smoothing the skin and resulting in a better-proportioned lower body. A thigh lift often accomplishes what exercise can’t, removing excess skin and fat that have developed over the years. Patients whose skin elasticity is insufficient to conform to a new shape after liposuction are especially good candidates for a medial thigh lift. This cosmetic thigh shaping procedure leaves patients with a firmer, more youthful figure. Thigh lifts are recommended for:
- Patients who are unhappy with the shape of their thighs
- People with excess soft tissue along the inner and outer thigh
- Patients with weight that is relatively stable
- Non-smokers (or individuals willing to quit during the pre-op, surgical, and recovery periods)
- Healthy individuals with no major medical conditions
- Patients with realistic goals for what thigh lift surgery can accomplish
- People willing to eat healthy and exercise regularly to help maintain results
Call Dr. Brantner’s office to schedule your surgical consultation today.