Fillers are a simple, effective solution to minimizing fine lines around the face and jaw. A “lunchtime treatment,” fillers have minimal recovery time and are an affordable option for many patients who aren’t ready to commit to surgical facial rejuvenation. One risk associated with injectable fillers is temporary bruising or swelling around the injection site. What can patients do to minimize the risk of bruising after fillers?
5 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Bruising after Fillers
Stop taking blood thinners. Medications and supplements that thin the blood will increase your risk of bruising. Stop taking aspirin, excedrin, ibuprofen, ginseng, St. John’s wort, omega 3 fatty acids/fish oil, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, and other blood thinners for 1-2 weeks before treatment. If you’re taking a blood thinner for a medical reason, talk to your doctor before stopping.
- Avoid alcohol for 1-2 days. Drinking alcohol will increase your likelihood of bruising, so avoid happy hour for a few days before treatment.
- Skip the gym. Yes, you have an excuse not to workout! After injection the damaged capillaries will need to heal, which takes longer if they’re stressed due to increased heart rate. Walking is fine, but put off yoga, weights, and running until 24-48 hours after treatment to help avoid bruising.
- Ice the area. A cold pack will desensitize the area and reduce swelling. It will also relieve any lingering discomfort from the treatment.
- Choose a qualified injector. Fillers may seem like a simple procedure, but beware of the bargain basement injectables you might find at spas, clinics, or Botox parties. Injectables are a medical procedure with associated risks, and your injector should always have the proper documentation and training, as well as performing the procedure in a safe and sterile environment.
Want more tips on how to get the most out of injectable fillers? Call Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brantner.