healthy young womanThe goal of a breast augmentation is to give women larger breasts without the stretched, plastic-looking roundness of poorly placed implants. At a breast augmentation consultation, Dr. Brantner will discuss the size of implant desired by the patient, the pros and cons of saline and silicone breast implants, and details of the surgical process. Two other factors he determines with his patients are the location of the scar and the position of the implant.

Choosing a Scar Location

The incision during a breast augmentation is typically small, around an inch long. During a consultation, Dr. Brantner and his patients discuss the location of the scar. The goal is to find the least visible location for the scar. Other factors include body type, the type of the implant, and the desired size of the breasts. Dr. Brantner generally recommends a transaxillary incision (an incision along the armpit) or an incision around the nipple area, although inframammary incisions (incisions beneath the breasts) are also common incisions in breast augmentation procedures.

Breast Implant Position

When patients choose breast implants, they must choose the size, type, and location of their new breast material. Placing the implant beneath the pectoral muscle gives a more natural slope to the breast. When a woman has little natural breast tissue, placing the implant on top of the muscle can create stiff, overly round looking breasts. The same unnatural look is often created by using implants that are too large. By implanting the new breast material beneath the muscle, Dr. Brantner can create a natural, gentle slope that lacks the fake look of many celebrity breast implants. In a few special cases, Dr. Brantner recommends placing the implant over the muscle tissue. Over-the-muscle implants generally work best for competitive body builders or select women starting with at least a B-cup.

Call Dr. Brantner’s office to schedule your cosmetic consultation today.

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