Time to Ditch the Razor

Time to Ditch the Razor

Summer makes everyone uncomfortably aware of their own body hair. If you have European “let it grow” sensibilities, the thought of an overgrown bikini line or dark hair on your face might not bother you. But many men and women dislike the process of shaving, shaving, shaving to get rid of unwanted body hair. Laser hair removal targets the hair follicle to reduce or eliminate unwanted body hair. After a few treatments, many patients can stop shaving, waxing, or plucking for good.

Are You a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

woman jumpingSome people see laser hair removal as a quick, permanent fix to unwanted body hair. And it’s true that in most cases, laser hair removal permanently reduces unwanted hair. Hair that grows back will be lighter, thinner, and overall less noticeable (if it grows back at all). But laser hair removal treatments require forethought and planning. It takes time, especially when covering large areas like the legs. Even smaller surfaces like the armpits or bikini line requires multiple treatments. Determine if you’re a good candidate for laser hair removal by answering these questions:

  • Do I dark, thick, or otherwise unwanted body hair?
  • Is that hair in a treatable area (back, chest, bikini area, neck, face, etc)?
  • Do I have the budget for laser hair removal, which is not covered by insurance?
  • Have I spoken to my physician about whether laser hair removal is right for me?

How to Prepare for Your Appointment

  1. Protect your skin. Skin irritation is laser hair removal’s worst enemy, so make sure you don’t wax, get sunburned, or otherwise irritate your skin before a laser hair removal treatment.
  2. Stay out of the sun. Not only is skin irritation detrimental to your treatment, lighter skin makes it easier it is to target hair follicles.
  3. Keep it clean. Stay away from sunless tanner, as well as everyday products like deodorant and perfume. Keep the area clean before your appointment.
  4. Shave, don’t wax or pluck. Laser hair removal targets the pigment in the hair follicle. This requires a smooth surface (so shave before you come), but also requires the hair to be present beneath the skin. If you wax or pluck in the weeks before laser hair removal, you’ll have to reschedule your appointment.
  5. Be consistent. Most people require 2-6 laser hair removal treatments. If you skip treatments or ignore your doctor’s recommended schedule, your treatments will become less effective.
  6. Sooth your skin. The treated area may be irritated for a few days. A cool compress will reduce any redness or swelling. Stay out of the sun and use only fragrance-free soaps and lotions.

To learn more about laser hair removal, schedule an appointment with Dr. Brantner.

Woman Jumping

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

As warmer weather approaches, more women consider laser hair removal as a permanent solution to dark or inconvenient body hair. The lighter, shorter clothing of spring and summer revives the inconvenience of frequent shaving and waxing of unwanted body hair. Laser hair removal targets hair follicles without damaging the surrounding skin, permanently reducing facial and body hair.

Why Choose Laser Hair Removal?

cosmetic treatment for smooth, hair-free skinLaser hair removal limits or eliminates the need for shaving, waxing, and hair removal products. A minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, laser hair removal is fast, effective, and minimally uncomfortable. Men and women with dark, thick hair on their legs, arms, and other areas of the body often choose laser hair removal as a permanent solution to hair that makes them self-conscious. Patients with light hair may choose laser treatments for the convenience of hair removal, which limits time spent on personal grooming. Laser treatments are safe to use on the face and other sensitive areas of the body. Removing unwanted body hair often leads to improved confidence and self-worth.

Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Laser treatments target the pigment in hair follicles, reducing or removing hair without damaging the nearby skin. The hair removal process takes 3-8 treatments. Although age, hair color, and thickness of the hair contribute to the speed of each patient’s results, most patients see visibly lighter, thinner hair within a few weeks of the first treatment. Laser hair treatments are a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, meaning patients can return to work immediately after the procedure with little to no discomfort.

Call Dr. Brantner’s office to schedule your laser hair removal appointment.

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