“Mommy makeover surgery” has grown significantly in popularity in recent years due to both changing beauty standards and advancing plastic surgery technology. If you envy the pre-baby bodies that many women achieve as a result of breast augmentation, tummy tucks, and breast lifts, then keep reading to educate yourself with the tips for recovery after a mommy makeover that we provide below.
At Jim Brantner M.D. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we believe in providing state-of-the-art cosmetic care to all our patients in the Johnson City, TN, area. Call today to schedule your consultation.
1. Get a Designated Driver
Before the day of your mommy makeover procedure, arrange to have a friend or family member drive you home post-op. Since our mommy makeovers will put you under general anesthesia, you won’t be in any condition to drive once the surgery is over.
2. Schedule Recovery Time
While it may be tempting to return to your everyday life post-surgery immediately, it’s crucial to schedule some recovery time throughout the next one to three weeks. Avoid strenuous tasks, especially exercise and heavy lifting, as any stress to your body can impact the healing process.
You might be surprised by the length of the recovery period after a mommy makeover; since you’ll receive several procedures in one visit, it will take your body longer to heal than it would from just one. Give yourself plenty of time during the recovery process to avoid surgical complications and prevent the need for return visits to your plastic surgeon.
3. Use Healing Aids
After your surgery, don’t be afraid to use of all of the healing tools and medications available to you. Dr. Brantner will give you both pain medication and compression garments to help you recover, and you should use them to help your body heal!
At Jim Brantner M.D. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, we have years of experience and knowledge of the procedures involved in mommy makeovers. By sticking to the directions provided by your surgeon, you can speed the healing process and reduce the risk of complications.
4. Be Prepared
Setting up a ride home after your procedure isn’t the only thing you should handle before the big day comes. Don’t forget to gather the supplies that will help you function in the recovery weeks. In addition to getting help around the house from family members (including — and especially — with children and pets), you should gather supplies such as:
Movies, games, magazines, or other low-stress forms of entertainment
Water that is easily accessible, such as water bottles
Loose and comfortable clothes, such as plush bathrobes
Foods that are easy to cook, such as microwave meals and dinners
If you feel ready to look into your mommy makeover options, consider contacting our experts at Jim Brantner M.D. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery today. Dr. Jim Brantner is a board-certified plastic surgeon with 34 years of experience turning his patients’ dreams into reality. You can schedule a consultation at our state-of-the-art surgery center in Johnson City, TN, by filling out the form on our website or calling us at 423-328-9000.
There are few occurrences that cause more strain on a woman’s body than parenting. From the initial physiological stress of pregnancy to the trauma of childbirth and following endless late nights and long days that come with motherhood. While being a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences on earth, many women end up feeling, and looking, at least a little worse for wear due to it.
Thankfully, the Mommy Makeover is here to save the day. Dr. Jim Brantner and his team of friendly medical professionals has helped countless local Tri-City, TN area residents of Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol, and Elizabethton look and feel better.
A mommy makeover involves a combination of surgical or non-surgical procedures that allows women who want to go back to looking their best, regain their youthful appearance, shape and feel. While the combination of procedures can be customized to suit your unique needs, there are some general facts to consider when choosing whether to undergo a Mommy Makeover.
Who can Benefit from a Mommy Makeover?
The “multi-procedure” Mommy Makeover, which involves some combination of liposuction, tummy tuck and breast lift was originally made popular on reality tv and social media, but now is available in the Tri-City, TN area, where residents of Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol, and Elizabethton can enjoy all the benefits this treatment has to offer.
A mommy makeover can be tailored and customized to help treat any number of aesthetic and other issues faced by women, including but not limited to:
Weight gain from causes such as pregnancy, stress or decreased self-care
Increased excess skin from a cycle of weight gains and losses, or from stretching during pregnancy
Stretch marks and skin that doesn’t “bounce back” like it used to
Weakness, loss of structure and general distortion of shape in the abdominal muscles and belly area
Increased breast sagging
Wrinkles or loss of elasticity and vibrancy of skin
Vaginal appearance, discomfort or looseness
And more…
Every woman wants to look and feel tight, toned, and sleek, not sagging and bagging. While having children can be a wonderful time in a woman’s life, childbirth and pregnancy take a heavy toll on a woman’s skin, muscle tone and general appearance, especially in the abdominal and breast region. The combination of liposuction, tummy tuck and breast lift found in a Mommy Makeover addresses all these concerns, typically in a single session under the knife.
What is a Mommy Makeover Procedure Like?
The classic Mommy Makeover combination of liposuction, tummy tuck and breast lift is essentially a combination of surgeries. Most surgeons prefer to perform this complex procedure under general anesthesia to ensure maximum comfort and minimal memory of the event.
For a procedure like this, involving general anesthesia, the patient is required to set aside time for prep work at the hospital, in addition to recovery time in the hospital afterwards and potentially several days of recovery time at home.
Liposuction – Liposuction helps to contour the body and help it regain a sleeker, more pleasing shape by removing stubborn pockets of fat which don’t respond to diet and exercise.
Tummy Tuck – A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat around the abdominal area, and also addresses separated or traumatized abdominal muscles to create a firmer, smoother abdominal look and shape
Breast Lift – A breast lift reduces the sagging of the breast tissue which typically follows pregnancy and breastfeeding, and is also usually combined with breast augmentation, which adds fullness to the breasts and creates a more rounded shape.
Other Procedures – A mommy makeover may also involve any other number of procedures including:
Injectable fillers
Face, neck and brow lifts
Rhinoplasty / nose jobs
Non-surgical laser treatments
Vaginal rejuvenation & tightening
And more…
No matter what your goals, Dr. Jim Brantner can help. If you’re in the Tri-city, TN area, call or stop by his office today to learn more.
What Benefits Will I See with a Mommy Makeover?
The well-known Mommy Makeover combination of liposuction and tummy tuck addresses the sagging skin and excess fat many women pick up during pregnancy or through the stress of parenting.
The addition of a breast lift, and possibly breast augmentation creates a trifecta of image-perfecting procedures: in addition to toning, slimming and reshaping the abdominal area and removing excess fat from other areas of the body as needed via liposuction and a tummy tuck, a breast lift will also address sagging breasts and loss of shape from pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Adding a breast augmentation on top of this creates not only lifted and more youthful breasts, but also fuller, rounder ones. Together, all these procedures create a slimmer, tighter figure, plus full, rounder, perkier breasts. Look out, world, here comes a hot mama!
What are the Risks?
As with any surgical procedure, a Mommy Makeover has risks, and while most women find the risks to be well worth the gain, each individual should discuss her unique medical situation with her doctor before scheduling any surgical procedure.
Final Thoughts
While we may not be able to physically turn back time, when it comes to regaining one’s youthful shape, time travel has now been made possible. While the benefits of a Mommy Makeover might seem frivolous or self-serving, no woman can deny how much happier, more confident or more alive she feels when she knows she’s looking her best.
For the devoted mothers of the world, a Mommy Makeover might be just the thing they need to start feeling on top of their world again. Call or stop by our local Johnson City, TN office today. Our friendly team of medical professionals would love to learn more about how we can help.
Motherhood can take a heavy toll on a woman’s body. All those long days and late nights caring for your family can leave your body feeling drained and looking exhausted. While you wouldn’t dream of trading those precious memories of your family for your youthful looks, you may wish there was a way to get back your self-confidence and vitality without stepping into a time machine. Thankfully, for residents of the Tri-Cities, TN area (Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol, and Elizabethton), Dr. Jim Brantner has a solution: the “Mommy Makeover”. A “Mommy Makeover” entails a combination of surgical and non-surgical procedures that help to reduce and even erase the signs of fatigue and aging that come with parenting. Yet for many women in the Tri-Cities, TN area, thoughts of these types of procedures often come with a number of questions and concerns. One of the primary questions we see is regarding the various types of anesthesia options available and what those entail. If you’re considering a Mommy Makeover, along with your doctor, you’ll need to decide what anesthesia option is right for you. This guide is meant to provide you with an introductory glance into the options available, so you can come prepared to ask Dr. Jim Brantner any questions you might have.
Your Anesthesia Options Explained
Option One: General Anesthesia
General anesthesia generally results in complete unconsciousness and prevents all feeling or memory of the procedure being performed. General anesthesia is administered by a certified anesthesia provider and can be given either intravenously or via a mask for inhalation.
No matter which method is used, the anesthesiologist will closely monitor your vital signs, including respiration and heart rate, throughout the entire surgery to ensure that breathing and other bodily processes continue as usual.
General anesthesia is the most common, and most preferred, option for surgeons performing Mommy Makeovers. While some individual procedures, such as breast augmentation or liposuction, can be carried out by some surgeons with just IV sedation with a local anesthesia, a true Mommy Makeover involves complex surgery affecting several areas of the body simultaneously, and most surgeons won’t perform such an operation without general anesthesia involved.
Option Two: IV Sedation and Local Anesthesia
Local anesthesia is usually given intravenously, and is utilized to prevent pain and discomfort during the surgery, but does not cause a complete loss of consciousness. While you will technically be awake during a procedure involving a local anesthesia, you will not feel pain or discomfort, and will likely not remember much about the procedure. This type of anesthesia also reduces pain and discomfort after surgery, just like general anesthesia, but is considered a better option for patients with certain other health conditions.
IV sedation and local anesthesia, however, can only be used to perform certain procedures, such as breast augmentation or liposuction, and most surgeons will not perform a true Mommy Makeover, involving a combination of procedures on multiple areas of the body, with anything but a General Anesthesia.
Option Three: No Anesthesia
There are some procedures during which anesthesia is unnecessary or unneeded. However, these procedures are generally limited in scope to those options which are non-invasive and less extensive.
Such unique treatments generally have very little (if any) downtime, and include those procedures such as:
A few options for those wanting an anesthesia-free Mommy Makeover Include the following:
Coolsculpting – This modern nonsurgical liposuction alternative gently reduces the appearance of tummy flab, love handles, back fat and other bumps that just won’t budge through other methods.
Botox and Dermal Fillers – Wrinkle reduction injectables like these help reduce the wrinkles and facial folds you may have picked up over the years, without surgery
Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation- Treatments like radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation can be done in-office without anesthesia in as little as 30 minutes, with no downtime afterwards
Final Thoughts Regarding Anesthesia Options
If you’re a Tri-city, TN area resident of Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol, or Elizabethton, and are concerned about or have questions regarding anesthesia options, reach out to Dr. Jim Brantner today.
No matter what anesthesia option is right for you, a Mommy Makeover could be just the ticket to feeling like your former vibrant, radiant self. These days, thanks to procedures like Mommy Makeovers, women really can have it all, including the jackpot combination of great kids, a wonderful family, and eternal good looks.
Mommy Makeovers allow moms to reclaim their confidence, do something special for themselves, and get their pre-baby bodies back. Mothers put their kids’ needs above their own, but sometimes they start to feel like they’re not their own person anymore. A Mommy Makeover isn’t about looking better for your spouse or showing off to the moms at the PTA. It’s about feeling good and loving yourself. That’s why each Mommy Makeover is individualized to meet the needs of the patient.
We want to make it easy for moms to celebrate the things that make them feel beautiful. We’re offering body shaping and rejuvenation specialsthis spring.
Breast Augmentation
One of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, breast implants allow many women to renew their confidence and reclaim their bodies. Breast augmentations make the breasts fuller, balancing the shape of the body and improving self-image. They can also balance uneven breast tissue or replace lost fullness due to pregnancy or weight loss.
Breast Lift
Many women like the size of their breasts, but are unhappy with the loss of elasticity due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or heredity. A mastopexy, or breast lift procedure, removes excess skin and lifts the breasts, resulting in more youthful, lifted breasts. Breast lift surgery does not reduce the size of the breasts, but it may give the illusion of smaller breasts. Because of this, breast lifts can be performed alone or with breast augmentations.
Tummy Tuck
Many new mothers feel self-conscious about the appearance of their abdomens. Pregnancy often results in excess skin and fat in the stomach, as well as weakened or separated abdominal muscles. An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck procedure, removes excess fat and skin and knits weakened muscles back together, resulting in a smoother, tighter tummy.
Thigh Lift
A thigh lift reshapes the contours of the upper legs by removing excess skin and fat. A mom with low elasticity in her skin may not easily return to her pre-baby body, even if she loses weight through diet and exercise. A thigh lift smooths the loose skin and fat on the thighs, giving each patient a firmer, more balanced body.
Do you feel unhappy with your post-baby body? Call Dr. Brantner’s office to schedule a Mommy Makeover consultation.
The world continues to see a rise in Mommy Makeovers, the postpartum surgical trend that rejuvenates women’s bodies through tummy tucks, breast lifts, and various other procedures. But as with any surgical trend, the topic is rife with misinformation. If you’re considering post-pregnancy plastic surgery, educate yourself about your choices.
Do You Need a Mommy Makeover?
The first question in determining if a Mommy Makeover is in your future is simple: “Do I want one?” Never let someone else — whether it’s a friend, an acquaintance, or your spouse — pressure you into plastic surgery you don’t want. Here are a few questions that can help you determine whether a Mommy Makeover is right for you:
Do you feel decreased confidence from your post-baby body?
Does the extra skin, loose muscles, and sagging breasts interfere with your ability to live well?
Have you fully recovered from childbirth?
Have you implemented a healthy postpartum diet and regular exercise routine?
Are you in overall good health?
Do you have a plan for the recovery period?
Is plastic surgery something you’ve considered before?
What areas of your body are you uncomfortable with?
Questions to Ask Your Surgeon about a Mommy Makeover
Okay, you’ve taken the next step and booked a surgical consultation. What questions should you ask your surgeon? Here’s a good starting point:
Are you board certified by The American Board of Plastic Sugery?
Do you have hospital privileges for this procedure?
What is the procedure/recovery like?
What can I expect from the surgical facility?
Based on your experience, what do you recommend to help me feel my best?
Tell me about scar placement.
Should I get a breast lift, breast implants, or both?
Will you perform abdominal muscle repair, or just remove fat and excess skin?
How can I customize my Mommy Makeover?
Ready to feel like you again? Book a cosmetic consultation at Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
For most women children transform life. Childbirth brings joy, fulfillment, and hope for the future. Many mothers, however, are less than ecstatic about the transformation their bodies go through during pregnancy. Skin stretches during pregnancy, often leading to sagging breasts, loose abdominal skin, stretch marks, and fatty deposits. Many women find that these changes are not temporary and learn to live with self-consciousness. Others choose “Mommy Makeovers,” a popular plastic surgery trend that improves self-confidence by addressing misshapen breasts, sagging abdominal muscles, and other post-pregnancy body changes.
Plastic Surgery After Pregnancy
The most common post-pregnancy body rejuvenation procedures are tummy tucks and breast enhancements, but Mommy Makeovers are entirely unique for each patient. During a consultation Dr. Brantner asks his patient what areas of her body make her feel self-conscious, which surgical procedures she’s comfortable with, and what’s her desired outcome of each enhancement. With a combination of his expert knowledge and her desired results, Dr. Brantner and his patient will determine what surgeries are right for her.
Breast Enhancement and Abdominoplasty
When women seek to restore their pre-pregnancy bodies, they typically start with tummy tucks and breast enhancement. After childbirth many women have scars and stretch marks, loose abdominal muscles, and stretched or sagging skin around the navel. An abdominoplasty removes extra skin and tightens the abdominal muscles, restoring a smoother, more youthful stomach. Many women also experience swelling, shrinking, or sagging of the breasts during and after pregnancy. Breast lift surgery restores the natural perkiness of the breasts without adding volume. Women who have lost breast density (or had small breasts before pregnancy) may want to have a breast augmentation to increase the size of the breasts. Breast lifts and breast augmentations can be done together or individually.
A few things to remember about Mommy Makeovers:
Plastic surgery helps improve self-image. Don’t undergo a cosmetic procedure for your spouse, family, or friends.
Plastic surgery is not meant to replace good diet and regular exercise. Many post-pregnancy body flaws can be fixed by implementing a healthier lifestyle.
If you are planning another pregnancy, you may want to wait before having an abdominoplasty or breast lift.
Consider whether your recovery period (3-5 weeks) will upset your family life.
Dr. Brantner reserves the right to refuse any surgery he believes is not in the best interest of the patient.
Are you ready to revive your pre-pregnancy body? Call Dr. Brantner’s office to schedule your Mommy Makeover surgery consultation.