We want to make it easier for you to get the body of your dreams. That’s why we’re offering 15% off tummy tucks in September.
A tummy tuck (also known as an abdominoplasty) removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, repairs damaged muscles, and smooths the stomach. We’ve written before about how to tell if a tummy tuck is right for you. Now we’re answering your most common questions about the procedure.
How Is a Mini Tummy Tuck Different Than a Full Tummy Tuck?
A mini tummy tuck focuses on the lower belly between the pubic bone and belly button. A full tummy tuck smooths and shapes the abdomen from the pubic bone to the bottom of the chest. Because a mini tummy tuck is less extensive, patients heal faster than they would after a full tummy tuck. Talk to Dr. Brantner about which type of abdominoplasty is right for you.
Will My Belly Button Change?
Your belly button may look different for awhile during the healing process, but it’s the same belly button you’ve always had. The incision for a tummy tuck will heal, leaving a natural looking stomach and belly button.
How Long Do I Have to Wait Before Eating?
Depending on individual reactions to anesthesia and pain medications, most patients can resume eating the day after their procedure. Start off with gentle “sick day” foods like broth and toast. Diets that are high in protein and healthy fats will help in the healing process. It’s not unusual for patients to find that they eat less after a tummy tuck than they did before the procedure.
Can I Get a Tummy Tuck If I’m Planning to Get Pregnant?
A tummy tuck addresses many issues that may arise from pregnancy, including loose or sagging skin, torn or separated abdominal muscles, and stubborn fat deposits. It’s usually best to wait until after childbearing to have an abdominoplasty. If you’ve had a tummy tuck and become pregnant, the procedure won’t affect your pregnancy, but you may want a revisional abdominoplasty after childbirth.
Do you want to learn more about abdominoplasties? Call Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to schedule your consultation today.
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