When people consider addiction, their minds jump to the common evils: alcohol, drugs, and abusive behaviors. But many addictions take acceptable behaviors and push the boundaries, rendering people unable to determine when to quit. Plastic surgery addiction is a physiological behavior that leaves patients feeling “never good enough.” In an effort to correct perceived flaws, they often turn to unhealthy levels of cosmetic surgery.

The Dangers of Plastic Surgery Addiction

woman in mirrorPeople suffering from plastic surgery addiction are often overcompensating for other dangerous behaviors. Many patients who become addicted to cosmetic procedures already suffer from feelings of low self-esteem and, in extreme cases, Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Some patients may finish one procedure only to decide another aspect of their appearance is lacking. Other patients fixate on one feature, requesting procedure after procedure to reach an unattainable goal of perfection. Patients suffering from plastic surgery addiction may:

  • Believe that cosmetic surgery will fix other areas of their lives (relationships, career success, etc)
  • Have unrealistic expectations before surgery and never feel satisfied with the outcome of a procedure
  • Immediately fixate on another perceived flaw after “fixing” another
  • Request follow-up surgery before the first procedure has fully healed

Treating Plastic Surgery Addiction

Plastic surgeons aren’t just artists with a scalpel. Certified plastic surgeons undergo years of expert training to recognize physical and emotional complications before and after surgery. Because plastic surgery addiction is rooted in psychological health, it can only be treated by a mental health professional. If Dr. Brantner has reservations about the number of procedures a patient desires, he may consult with the patient, recommend a counselor, or refuse to take on the procedure.

Want more information about issues like plastic surgery addiction or plastic surgery tourism? Contact Dr. Brantner’s staff at Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

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