Have you heard about SculpSure? It’s a brand new procedure we’re offering at Dr. Brantner’s office. As the first FDA-approved, non-surgical fat reduction procedure, it’s no secret why we’re excited about SculpSure. And you should be, too!
5 Reasons to Get Excited about SculpSure
- It’s FDA-approved. Whether you’ve considered body sculpting before or you’re simply curious about this new, non-surgical body sculpting solution, you can feel comfortable knowing that SculpSure is a completely safe, FDA-approved fat reduction procedure.
- It’s low pain. No scalpels, no sutures, and no needles required. SculpSure is a non-invasive laser technology that targets fat cells beneath the skin. By destabilizing these cells, we can trick your body into breaking down and eliminating stubborn fat cells. Some patients may feel mild discomfort, but for most people it’s pain-free.
- It targets multiple problem areas. SculpSure has been proven to reduce fat by up to 24% in the abdomen, love handles, inner thighs, and outer thighs. If you’d like to target more than one area, let us know during your consultation so we can schedule multiple appointments.
- It’s fast. A SculpSure treatment takes only 25 minutes, and there’s no downtime, so you can easily schedule a procedure on your lunch break. Over the 12 weeks following a procedure, patients see up to 24% fat reduction. Some patients may need a follow-up appointment, but for most people, it’s “one and done” fat reduction treatment.
- It works. Don’t believe us? Just ask our staff!
Ready to see the results for yourself? Contact us today to schedule a SculpSure consultation.