Here at the offices of Jim Brantner, MD, SculpSure is one of the more exciting procedures we offer. This FDA-approved procedure is designed to quickly and effectively remove fat from the flanks and abdomen. We get a lot of questions about this procedure. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions about SculpSure.

  • How Does it Work? Basically, special lasers target fat cells under the skin, damaging their structural integrity. Over a short time (up to three months, but usually much quicker), these fat cells break down and are reabsorbed and eliminated by the body. All this without surgery or damage to the skin cells.
  • Is it Invasive? No, SculpSure is non-invasive
  • How Long Does is Take? SculpSure takes just under half an hour! fat removal
  • What is the Recovery Like? SculpSure has little to no recovery time! After your procedure you can get right back to whatever you were doing, whether it’s work, lunch, or something more active.
  • What Areas Can it Help Target? SculpSure is designed to effectively handle the stubborn fat of the belly and flanks (also known as the love handles).
  • Is it Painful? No! While many patients experience tingling and/or feelings of deep warmth, you should not feel any pain or significant discomfort during your SculpSure treatment.
  • Is It FDA Approved? Yes! You can find more information about SculpSure here.

If you’re looking for a way to quickly and effectively target the “problem zones” in your abdomen, SculpSure may be the right choice for you. Contact Dr. Brantner’s office in Johnson City, TN to learn more!