October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Men and women across the globe are showing support and raising awarenss through donations, Breast Cancer Awareness walks, and the familiar pink ribbon. But many people don’t know how breast cancer could affect them and the people around them. Don’t just pledge to support Breast Cancer Awareness. Learn and educate the people around you. It could save a life.
What You Need to Know about Breast Cancer
- It doesn’t just affect women over 40. Men have a 1 in 1,000 chance of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. In 2009, a 10 year old girl in California became the youngest person in the U.S. to be diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Find a doctor you can trust. Qualifications are crucial, but you should also feel comfortable discussing questions, both big and small, with your physician.
- Women are more likely to develop breast cancer if they have close female relatives who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Mammogram screening typically begins at 40, but high risk patients should discuss early screenings with their doctor.
- Many women who develop breast cancer do not have family history.
- Monthly breast exams increase the likelihood of catching breast cancer in its early stages. Get to know your breast tissue — but don’t skip your regular screenings.
- The size of your breasts does not affect your risk of developing breast cancer.
- There’s no evidence to suggest that breast implants increase the risk of breast cancer. At your regular screenings, remind your doctor or radiologist of the type and size of your breast implants.
- There are many treatment options, and the best option is highly individual. Discuss each with your doctor before beginning treatment.
- Many women are eligible for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. Ask your doctor if you’re a candidate for breast reconstruction.
To learn more about breast cancer, mastectomies, and breast reconstruction, contact Dr. Brantner’s office.