What to Expect From a Neck Lift Surgery
A neck lift can be incredibly powerful and have dramatic but subtle effects. Neck wrinkles are the first sign of aging. After the reduction of a patient’s neck muscles, many patients look younger, but it does not make it apparent that the procedure has been completed. The neck lift also addresses the double chin and helps shape the neck. Since necks are difficult to rejuvenate as they are resistant to weight and exercise, it may be beneficial to many men and women. So, what are the things that you can expect from a neck lift surgery?
Neck lifting is done with a platysmaplasty that reduces the size of your face and neck. Some invasive surgical procedures are carried out to get the desired results. You might need surgery if you suffer a sagging skin condition due to weight gain.
Preparing for Your Neck Lift
If your procedure involves bleeding, it is recommended that you do not consume a lot of medications and supplements. Tell your physician about your drug allergies. Even though it’s rare, some patients may be allergic when injected with anesthesia.
If you smoke, you must stop smoking within four weeks of surgery. No more cutting corners! It is essential not to smoke during the course of these days to have good healing. Eat good food. You can heal yourself by following a proper and healthy diet. Make a day of rest every day. Ask a health professional how many days off it will take.
What Should I Expect From a Neck Lift?
Your procedure is individualized for your specific anatomy and goals. Board-certified plastic surgeons have years of experience in neck lift techniques. They perform neck lifts on older patients, men, and women. For younger patients, neck lifts may help contour necks after losing weight. The neck lift will help tighten loose skin and strengthen tighter muscles for more youthful, defined appearances.
What Is a Neck Lift?
A neck lift is one procedure that enhances your facial shape in your face. General terms include rhytidectomy or submental lipectomy. What type of treatment you need varies according to the results you want. The neck contours can sometimes have the facelift but can be carried out individually.
The tissue underlying the neck skin is repositioned, and the platysma muscle is commonly tightened. Skin is redraped over the uplifted contours, and excess skin is trimmed away. A separate incision under the chin is often necessary for liposuction of this area and the repair of the muscle.
Neck Lift Risks
There will be a few complications in the first week following surgery, which is normal but shouldn’t be a problem for you. During the procedure, infection is a possibility. Keep it cold. When you feel an unusual feeling of fever, talk to your doctor. Upon surgery, you may have a recurring or notable bleed. Surgical neck lifts can also pose risks.
Unfortunately, the neck is one of the first places on the body to show signs of aging, so the effects of collagen and elastin loss will likely be seen here. When the main concern Is excess fat, you might find that your neck is not necessarily sagging, but there are extra fatty deposits in this area that are bothering you.
Neck Lift Consultation
The doctor can discuss how your health has changed and what medicines are used in the body. You have to explain the risks involved with each procedure and what result you can realistically expect.
The surgeon will ensure the person is comfortable during the procedure by using anesthesia. General anesthesia puts the person in a deep sleep for the surgery. Sedative medications allow the patient to remain awake but relaxed, with local anesthesia, so there is no pain.
Neck Contouring
Combining neck contouring with facial procedures is commonly recommended for patients who have several aging or aesthetic concerns they wish to address. It is a safe, effective, and efficient way to get the overall results you are looking for in short order.
Risks Involved
The risks associated with undergoing neck lift surgery include the following:
During the Procedure
A neck lift can be done with sedation or commonly known as general anesthesia. Liposuction is the most common procedure. The surgeon makes a small incision around the ears and under the nose. Using special equipment, fat is sucked off the jawline or below the chin. If your neck looks full of fat, but your skin is resilient, laparoscopic procedures will help you have a defined neck. Liquid surgery can not fix structural problems causing neck appearance.
Before the Procedure Begins
If your neck is lifted before your procedure is done, your cardiologist will discuss your surgery goals. Your doctor then decides the surgical technique that suits your needs. He or she may offer alternative treatment options if required, like eyelid surgery, eyebrow lifts, and skin resurfacing. Then it’s possible that your face will have a photo test taken to see how it looks after the surgery.
After the Procedure
If you’re active in sports, expect at least three weeks before you can resume your regular physical activity. Time heals all wounds. The second week will probably be the best you’ve felt before plastic surgery, but don’t be fooled – your body is still recovering. You’ll still have some visible bruising and swelling, and it’s even possible to have some numbness or tingling.
The first day after your cosmetic surgery is usually the most uncomfortable for patients. You might feel emotional and discouraged about the pain. Your doctor will provide you with pain medication to take as needed. Days Two & Three After Neck Lift Surgery From now on, the days will hopefully get more accessible.
Other Precautions
Since smoking tobacco reduces wrinkled skin and slows regeneration and healing, your physician can advise you to quit smoking. Plan an ambulance home after surgery and have someone stay with you for the first night of the operation.
The benefits of a neck lift procedure last years longer than nonsurgical options and include a defined jawline. Firmer, smoother skin. Streamlined profile. Youthful appearance. Along with these benefits, some precautions need to be taken to avoid any side effects that may be caused due to the procedure. Some of the main issues that people face have been discussed earlier in the blog that need to be taken precautions for.
Food and Medicines
Do not underestimate the positive effects of a healthy lifestyle on your appearance. Excess sugar, sodium, and alcohol can contribute to poor skin quality. Likewise, smoking can also be very damaging to the skin. Quitting smoking and focusing on a healthy diet that includes more water and less alcohol is highly recommended if you wish to maximize your skin’s health. We all know that sun exposure is a primary cause of skin aging, so it makes sense to apply sunscreen to the face and neck religiously
Your doctors will often tell you to stop taking aspirin before surgery to minimize the risk that it may be dangerous. They include warfarin (coumadin Jantoven), Heparin, aspirin, and other medicines.
To conclude, any medical procedure that involves operating on the human body should be looked at with preventive measures and care. There are a lot of minute details involved in such procedures that need to be addressed to the patient by the doctors. From the beginning of the procedure, the patient needs to take care of their diet and health so that there are any complications during the procedure. After the process, the patient should be even more careful about everything that could harm the operated area. Everything to decrease the healing time should be considered.
Dr. Jim Brantner’s clinic provides a variety of cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. We are highly experienced in plastic surgery as our previous clients are proof of it. We provide neck lift surgery, breast augmentation surgery, liposuction, etc. Contact us today and book an appointment!