As the New Year approaches, we sit back and reflect on the triumphs and failures of the year past. We resolve to do better, be healthier, achieve more. New Year’s resolutions are full of hopes and frustrations. They range from things as simple as “be happier” to those as complicated as “achieve my dream figure.” But your goals are not out of reach. Achieve your resolutions this year with these tricks for beating the odds.

How to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

  1. new year's checklistWrite it down. Whether your goal is health-based, relationship-based, or emotion-based, writing it down will give you an external motivator to keep trying. Set tangible, achievable goals (no “look like I did in high school” resolutions here). As you work toward your goal, check off smaller, mini-goals along the way.
  2. Change your lifestyle. If you simply vow to exercise more and eat better, you’ll be off track by the middle of January. Instead of renewing your gym membership or going carb-free, reset your way of thinking. Take the stairs, park farther from the grocery store entrance, and find a fitness buddy to make your workouts more fun. Instead of swearing off sweets and carbs, find a healthier diet you can actually enjoy. A lifestyle change will give you the results you want, whereas an all-or-nothing regimen will have you back at square one in a matter of months.
  3. Research first. Have you quietly wished for a breast augmentation for years? Do you wonder if a reduction could relieve your chronic back pain? Do you feel that a face lift could renew your confidence? Before making any major surgical decisions, always research your options. Learn about the procedure, look through before and after photos, and schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. If you feel unsure about your decision, postpone it until you’re confident in your choice.

It’s time to put your best foot forward! Happy New Year from Dr. Brantner’s office!

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