How To Get The Best Results From Fake Eyelashes

How To Get The Best Results From Fake Eyelashes

Whether you are a professional or a first-time user, applying fake eyelashes needs some practice to get it just right. If the application is not perfect, it can look too obvious or over the top for most people’s taste. Makeup artists from all across Hollywood have worked hard to perfect this look and have made it into their signature style of application. They have learned the tricks to apply fake eyelashes correctly.

The most common mistake people tend to make is applying too many individual lashes for a less noticeable effect, or they may end up having gaps in between each lash strip that shows the natural eyelash underneath. Today, we are going to discuss how you can get the best results for your fake eyelashes so you can avoid these common mistakes.

Go Get Those Lashes!

First things first, let’s go and get a good set of strips or clusters for your eyes. I would recommend that you try getting the individual extensions as they are less tacky than the strip ones. If you have already purchased lash sets with glue and did not like them, then you can apply these glue-less ones instead. Here are some tips for applying fake eyelashes on your own.

Note: Be sure to remove your makeup and clean off with a makeup remover before taking care of your lashes.

  • Apply the adhesive only along the eyeliner, as shown in the video above. This is to avoid a messy-looking application and also making sure that your glue does not seep out of the lash cluster and onto your eyelid, which can look unsightly.
  • Peel off the first lash that you wish to apply from its plastic covering and press down lightly on the fake lashes’ base (the strip of the lash) along your natural lash line. Just like above in the video, only apply the glue on your base and press them against your natural lashes. Do not apply any adhesive near your outer eyelid as you will need to work with it later.
  • Using a clean mascara wand or cotton bud, curl up against each individual lash. This can help you to avoid clumping them together, which may not look as natural and pretty as you would like it to be on your eyes.
  • Now comes the time where you can decide whether to leave the eyelash extensions just as they are or add a bit of mascara for extra volume and length before applying the next lash. Remember to choose a similar color that matches your natural lashes. I would recommend doing it this way for the first set of eyelashes, and then you can go on to apply another different colored mascara if you wish or even use false lashes without adding any mascara at all. Just stick with one style of application as you feel most comfortable working with it, especially if it is your first time.
  • Apply the next lash along your natural lashes, but remember to apply only the glue on its base as you did before (not near your inner-eye corner). Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all of the lashes are applied to both eyes.
  • If you wish for a more dramatic look, you can go on to apply false lashes and keep them for a couple of days or longer without cleaning the glue. This is because it is easier to remove the lashes from your eyes if you have applied some mascara onto them first. To avoid getting the mascara all over your face, nose, and cheek areas before applying your next lash set, remember to close your eyes tightly when you are washing off the mascara with a clean makeup remover.


There you go! You should now be able to apply fake eyelashes like a pro and also avoid ending up looking like a clown. Just remember to choose the right kind of lashes for you, whether it is for an extravagant night out or just to change your look on any other day.

If fake eyelashes don’t work for you, Dr. Jim Brantner MD. can help you with cosmetic surgery. Get in touch with us today!

Tips on How to Cover up Appearance & Minimalize Effects of Melasma

Tips on How to Cover up Appearance & Minimalize Effects of Melasma

If you have been diagnosed with Melasma through one or more tests, it’s important not to ignore the problem any longer because it can only be effectively treated by addressing its underlying cause and not just covering up the physical aspect of this condition. Here are some simple tips on what steps may help minimize the negative impact of Melasma on your life:

Tip One: avoid wearing dark makeup. Try to keep it light and try not to use a lot of hard makeup on the affected areas.

Tip Two: try using concealer or foundation over the affected area instead of simply applying powder to it. This will hide the affected area a little bit and you can easily cover it with a little light makeup.

Tip Three: wear sunscreen every day, even during winter months when sun exposure is minimal; Melasma can only be effectively treated by addressing its underlying cause and not just covering up the physical aspect of the problem. Also wear sunscreen every day regardless of where in the world you live.

“You might be wondering how products differ from one another on the market today. Keep in mind that there are many different brands offering various formulations for sun protection to choose from based on your personal needs.”

Tip Four: ask your doctor about using topical or oral medication to control the pigment; these are safe and effective treatments with few side effects, but they may not be suitable for everyone.

Tip Five: try minimizing stress levels by finding an activity you enjoy doing that takes up a lot of time in order to reduce the amount of time spent worrying or stressing out.

Tip Six: Look for special ingredients in the skincare products you buy, especially if they are expensive. You don’t want to buy products that cost a hefty amount and then you can’t even use them.

Tip Seven: try to find a skin-care regimen that is specifically designed for melasma sufferers. There are many products on the market that can help to minimize brown patches and even skin tone.

Tip Eight: Avoid the use of certain cosmetics as they can cause irritation which may lead to increased redness or sensitivity around the affected area. Always check the product description and ingredients before buying it. We might even go further to suggest that ask your doctor before purchasing high end products. Additionally, if you’re looking for something more affordable than some high-end brand names offer, then it’s worth checking out any review sites carefully before making an investment in this area

Bottom Line

Melasma is a disease that one has to really learn how to live with. There’s no cure, but there are ways you can treat it so the symptoms don’t get worse and your skin doesn’t look as bad. Dr. Jim Brantner specializes in treating melasma at his clinic in Tennessee and he would be happy to answer any of your questions about what treatments might work best for you or if surgery may be an option for you. Get in touch today!

You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Valentine’s Day encourages us to love the people in our lives. But how well do we love ourselves? The flaws we accept (or even love) in our spouses, friends, and family are often hard to accept in ourselves. This Valentine’s Day, we’re focusing on loving the you you are. After all, you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day

  • happy woman in winterReal beauty isn’t about symmetry or weight or makeup; it’s about looking life right in the face and seeing all its magnificence reflected in your own.” — Valerie Monroe
  • How I feel about myself is more important than how I look. Feeling confident, being comfortable in your skin – that’s what really makes you beautiful. — Bobbi Brown
  • As a child, I never heard one woman say to me, “I love my body.” Not my mother, my elder sister, my best friend. No one woman has ever said, “I am so proud of my body.” So I make sure to say it to [my daughter], because a positive physical outlook has to start at an early age. — Kate Winslet
  • By choosing healthy over skinny you are choosing self-love over self-judgment. You are beautiful! — Steve Maraboli
  • Your body loves you. Your body works hard to keep you alive. — Lisa Consiglio Ryan
  • The human body is the best work of art. — Jess C. Scott
  • True beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass. — Ellen DeGeneres
  • People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing you are the beholder. — Salma Hayek
  • “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” — Song of Songs 4:7 NIV

Happy Valentine’s Day from Dr. Brantner’s office!

Is Vaping as Bad as Smoking?

Is Vaping as Bad as Smoking?

Cigarettes and surgery are longtime foes. Surgery seeks to improve the patient’s health and appearance through reconstructive or elective procedures, while cigarettes lead to aging, healing complications and, in some cases, cancer. But what are the risks and benefits of the mediator between smokers and healthcare professionals: vaping?

What Is Vaping?

woman exhaling smokeThe use of e-cigarettes, more commonly known as “vaping,” is becoming increasingly popular in response to the proven negative effects of traditional smoking. Vapers inhale a flavored vapor that contains a lower nicotine content than old school cigarettes. Vaping also removes smoke inhalation from the equation. While it’s not as healthy as abstaining altogether, vaping involves fewer health risks than smoking tobacco. And e-cigarettes can also help smokers quit, allowing their bodies adjust to lower levels of nicotine.

Vaping and Plastic Surgery

When smoking and surgery mix, they put the life of the patient at risk. Smoking can lead to serious complications, both during surgery and during the healing process. Does vaping have the same risks, or is vaping before surgery acceptable?

As they seek more information about the health risks of vaping, the FDA has placed it on par with tobacco use. Medical researchers are still analyzing the long term effects of vaping on the body. But one thing is clear: because of the nicotine content, vaping may cause vasoconstriction (reduced blood flow), which can lead to skin flap failure in surgical procedures. Doctors recommend vapers follow the same rules as traditional smokers before a procedure: stop vaping 4-6 weeks before surgery (or at the recommendation of your doctor).

Are you considering cosmetic surgery in East Tennessee? Call Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to schedule a consultation.

How to Survive the Holidays (and Still Look Good)

How to Survive the Holidays (and Still Look Good)

What do Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s have in common? They’re all holidays, they’re all about spending time with loved ones, and they usually involve loss of sleep + overeating. So how can you fully enjoy the holidays without dragging for weeks afterwards? Follow our healthy holidays survival guide.

How to Survive the Holidays (and Feel Great)

  • smiling coupleMoisturize. We’ve had a long, warm autumn, but Old Man Winter has finally gotten ahold of East Tennessee. Keep your skin looking and feeling good by applying moisturizer twice a day. And remember: stepping into a warm house may feel like a hug from home, but it dries out your skin. Help your skin stay supple and smooth by moisturizing when you get home at the end of the day.
  • Get moving. There’s still time to sign up for the Turkey Trot (and you can even walk it!). Prefer to get an early start on cooking? Take a breather (and spend time with loved ones) with a family stroll around the neighborhood. Just make sure someone stays home in case the potatoes boil over (football fans are great for this job!).
  • Indulge (but not too much). There’s nothing wrong with enjoying juicy turkey, buttery mashed potatoes, and crisp apple pie—in moderation. Indulge in your favorite treats this Thanksgiving, but eat slowly to prevent overeating. You won’t only look better in the morning, you’ll feel better, too.
  • Feel the love. It’s a scientifically proven fact: hugs are good for the soul. So go ahead and hug your kids, snuggle up on the couch with your spouse, and cuddle your new grandbaby. God blessed you with an amazing family (and He’ll keep on blessing you).

Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at Dr. Brantner’s office!

How to Shop for Your New Body

How to Shop for Your New Body

New body, new wardrobe. Having a breast augmentation opens up a new world of fashion choices, and most women can’t wait to hit the stores. But as tempting as it is to revamp your entire wardrobe on Day 1, shopping after surgery is more complicated than one might think. Read our post-breast augmentation shopping tips to guarantee a great fit.

Tips for Shopping after a Breast Augmentation

  1. Give it time. You may be tempted to hit the stores the second you’re back on your feet, but patience pays off. Dr. Brantner recommends you go bra-free for the first few weeks to give your implants time to settle. Once you’re back in a comfortable (doctor-approved) bra, stick to buying the basics. It may feel like you’re 100% healed, but there may be some residual swelling. We recommend you wait a few months before shelling out for a new drawer full of bras.
  2. well-fitted braGet fitted. The simplest way to find your new bra size is to get fitted by a professional. But beware: many lingerie stores have notoriously bad practices for fitting bras. We recommend Nordstrom’s bra fitting guide to find the right size.
  3. Remember: size doesn’t matter. You and your physician may have decided on a C-cup, but the bra industry doesn’t have consistent sizing. We’ve had many patients who bought bras in size B, C, and D cups that all fit perfectly. Wear a bra that fits comfortably, and don’t worry if you wind up in “the wrong” cup size.
  4. Talk to your doctor. He’ll be able to tell you when to start shopping for new bras, what to wear during the healing process, and what shopping pitfalls other patients have faced after getting breast implants.

If you’re considering a breast augmentation, it’s important to find a board-certified plastic surgeon you can trust. Call Dr. Brantner’s office to schedule your breast augmentation consultation today.