What Are The Common Signs of Facial Aging?
Aging is something that everyone undergoes in their lifetime. As time passes our body starts to age in terms of sharpness in features. For instance, your eyes will become droopy, your cheeks will become saggy, and your overall skin will loosen up. Giving you an aged appearance. So, what are the common signs of facial aging, and how to tackle them?
When our skin loses its elasticity, it appears to be saggy. Sagging skin can be anywhere on your body. The sagging caused by skin aging not only has an old appearance but can also cause other problems. For instance, when skin is sagging, facial hair can start to cause problems by growing underneath the skin tissues. That causes infections.
Forehead Lines
With time, we can develop aging lines on the forehead which are caused by our facial expressions. Our skin is like an elastic material that can be stretched and then recovered back to its original shape. But just like any other elastic material, our skin also has an elastic limit that is crossed with the passage of time. Forehead lines are a very noticeable and apparent reason for aging. If we see anyone with lines on their forehead the first thing that comes to our mind is “That guy must be old”.
Forehead lines are, however, treatable. Cosmetic surgery techniques like botox can eliminate forehead lines after a few procedures. This makes it very easy for the person to look young again. However, Botox does have some side effects if not done right. So make sure you get botox services from a well-known clinic with trained professionals.
Crow’s Feet
Crow’s feet are another name for wrinkles around the eyes. We blink our eyes about 19,000 times a day which means the skin around the eyes is constantly contracting and retracting. Because of that, the skin structure becomes weak and as a result, wrinkles are formed. Crow’s feet is something that is also called premature skin aging because it can be found in many people even those who are not that old.
To reduce premature skin aging, techniques like botox or Morpheus are used. If you don’t want to pursue the surgery option, then you can always turn to natural cures for such things. Drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods will help you reduce these wrinkles in the eyes. When your skin is fully hydrated all the time, it provides fullness to the skin structure.
Lines Around the Mouth
Just like our eyes, our lips move as much. We talk throughout the day and most importantly we laugh and frown. Laughing and frowning activate most of our facial muscles by constantly contracting and retracting the skin. This is also a feature that shows you are getting old or simply suffering from premature aging.
The fix for this is also remedied like drinking water and if that is not enough then surgery is the best option.
Submental Fat
Submental fat is the sagging skin below the chin. It is not necessary to find this only in overweight people. It can be seen in people who are appropriately weighted according to their body mass index. Hence, it means it is caused by the aging factor.
Our lifestyle factors also have a lot to do with this happening. There are many new injectables that are used for targeting submental fat in particular. Chewing gum and performing jaw exercises is a very good way of getting rid of submental fat naturally.
How Sunlight Affects our Skin
There is a range of different factors that cause our skin to age both as a result of the natural aging process, and environmental and lifestyle factors. Ultraviolet rays are a major contributor to skin aging, although smoking, stress, medication, climate, alcohol, and several others way in. The five main factors that age skin faster comes down to smoking, overexposure to the sun, stress, lack of sleep, and cold weather.
Because most skin changes are related to sun exposure, prevention is a lifelong process. Prevent sunburn if at all possible. Use good quality sunscreen when outdoors, even in the winter. Wear protective clothing and a hat when needed. Good nutrition and adequate fluids are also helpful. Dehydration increases the risk of skin injury. Sometimes minor nutritional deficiencies can cause rashes, skin lesions, and other skin changes, even if you have no other symptoms.
Exfoliating means the removal of dead skin by using appropriate medication and skin care products. If you don’t exfoliate then the result is a dulled complexion due to the depleted moisture levels in the top layer of the skin, which naturally occurs with age. While young skin renews itself every three to four weeks, older skin is slower to renew itself every four to six weeks. Uneven skin tone Ageing causes the complexion to become uneven in certain places. This may be due to parts of the skin harboring more melanin than others or the function of the hormonal levels in females. This unevenness can lead to skin looker older than its years
What is Skin Composed of?
Although skin has many layers, it can generally be divided into three main parts: The outer part (epidermis) contains skin cells, pigment, and proteins. The middle part (dermis) contains skin cells, blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and oil glands. The dermis provides nutrients to the epidermis. The inner layer under the dermis (the subcutaneous layer) contains sweat glands, some hair follicles, blood vessels, and fat. Each layer also contains connective tissue with collagen fibers.
How Does Skin Age?
Facial movements and expressions, such as squinting or smiling, lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Each time you use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin. And as skin ages, it loses its flexibility and is no longer able to spring back in place. These grooves then become permanent features on your face.
Allergies to plants and other substances can also cause skin aging. Inappropriate climate clothing and exposures to industrial and household chemicals as well as indoor heating can cause Loss of elasticity (elastosis), Non-cancerous skin growths (keratoacanthomas), and Pigment changes such as liver spots. Sun exposure has also been directly linked to skin cancers, including basal cell cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.
What are the First Signs of Aging Skin?
When a person looks older, they are in fact older. A few common symptoms are sagging skin such as facial wrinkles, age spots, skin irritation, and dryness. These are the most apparent signs of aging.
At What Age Does Your Face Change Most?
Many people notice alterations to their faces around their 40s and 50s while others notice alterations at the age of 30. But the physical changes that come from age also affect the appearance of our faces and this is good for our health.
Skin aging is a very common and normal thing to happen to anyone. It is natural and you shouldn’t be scared of it. However, if you keep looking after yourself in terms of health then it is more likely for your skin to age later than usual. Drinking plenty of water, exercising, and eating healthy foods can be a great help in maintaining the stiffness of your skin. This can also prevent skin disorders from happening. Some factors that have the most effect on our skin are sunlight and impure water. You should use an effective sunscreen that provides maximum protection from ultraviolet rays. If any of this still doesn’t help then getting cosmetic surgery is also a great option provided you choose the right place.
Dr. Jim Brantner’s Plastic Surgery Clinic in Johnson City provides plastic and reconstructive surgery options. If you are looking for a reliable skin revival procedure, then Dr. Jim Brantner is the best you can get! We provide breast augmentation, skin tightening, and injectable solutions for your cosmetic problems. Contact us today and book an appointment!