What Are The Common Signs of Facial Aging?

What Are The Common Signs of Facial Aging?

Aging is something that everyone undergoes in their lifetime. As time passes our body starts to age in terms of sharpness in features. For instance, your eyes will become droopy, your cheeks will become saggy, and your overall skin will loosen up. Giving you an aged appearance. So, what are the common signs of facial aging, and how to tackle them?

When our skin loses its elasticity, it appears to be saggy. Sagging skin can be anywhere on your body. The sagging caused by skin aging not only has an old appearance but can also cause other problems. For instance, when skin is sagging, facial hair can start to cause problems by growing underneath the skin tissues. That causes infections.

Forehead Lines

With time, we can develop aging lines on the forehead which are caused by our facial expressions. Our skin is like an elastic material that can be stretched and then recovered back to its original shape. But just like any other elastic material, our skin also has an elastic limit that is crossed with the passage of time. Forehead lines are a very noticeable and apparent reason for aging. If we see anyone with lines on their forehead the first thing that comes to our mind is “That guy must be old”.

Forehead lines are, however, treatable. Cosmetic surgery techniques like botox can eliminate forehead lines after a few procedures. This makes it very easy for the person to look young again. However, Botox does have some side effects if not done right. So make sure you get botox services from a well-known clinic with trained professionals.

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are another name for wrinkles around the eyes. We blink our eyes about 19,000 times a day which means the skin around the eyes is constantly contracting and retracting. Because of that, the skin structure becomes weak and as a result, wrinkles are formed. Crow’s feet is something that is also called premature skin aging because it can be found in many people even those who are not that old.

To reduce premature skin aging, techniques like botox or Morpheus are used. If you don’t want to pursue the surgery option, then you can always turn to natural cures for such things. Drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods will help you reduce these wrinkles in the eyes. When your skin is fully hydrated all the time, it provides fullness to the skin structure.

Lines Around the Mouth

Just like our eyes, our lips move as much. We talk throughout the day and most importantly we laugh and frown. Laughing and frowning activate most of our facial muscles by constantly contracting and retracting the skin. This is also a feature that shows you are getting old or simply suffering from premature aging.

The fix for this is also remedied like drinking water and if that is not enough then surgery is the best option.

Submental Fat

Submental fat is the sagging skin below the chin. It is not necessary to find this only in overweight people. It can be seen in people who are appropriately weighted according to their body mass index. Hence, it means it is caused by the aging factor.

Our lifestyle factors also have a lot to do with this happening. There are many new injectables that are used for targeting submental fat in particular. Chewing gum and performing jaw exercises is a very good way of getting rid of submental fat naturally.

How Sunlight Affects our Skin

There is a range of different factors that cause our skin to age both as a result of the natural aging process, and environmental and lifestyle factors. Ultraviolet rays are a major contributor to skin aging, although smoking, stress, medication, climate, alcohol, and several others way in. The five main factors that age skin faster comes down to smoking, overexposure to the sun, stress, lack of sleep, and cold weather.

Because most skin changes are related to sun exposure, prevention is a lifelong process. Prevent sunburn if at all possible. Use good quality sunscreen when outdoors, even in the winter. Wear protective clothing and a hat when needed. Good nutrition and adequate fluids are also helpful. Dehydration increases the risk of skin injury. Sometimes minor nutritional deficiencies can cause rashes, skin lesions, and other skin changes, even if you have no other symptoms.


Exfoliating means the removal of dead skin by using appropriate medication and skin care products. If you don’t exfoliate then the result is a dulled complexion due to the depleted moisture levels in the top layer of the skin, which naturally occurs with age. While young skin renews itself every three to four weeks, older skin is slower to renew itself every four to six weeks. Uneven skin tone Ageing causes the complexion to become uneven in certain places. This may be due to parts of the skin harboring more melanin than others or the function of the hormonal levels in females. This unevenness can lead to skin looker older than its years

What is Skin Composed of?

Although skin has many layers, it can generally be divided into three main parts: The outer part (epidermis) contains skin cells, pigment, and proteins. The middle part (dermis) contains skin cells, blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and oil glands. The dermis provides nutrients to the epidermis. The inner layer under the dermis (the subcutaneous layer) contains sweat glands, some hair follicles, blood vessels, and fat. Each layer also contains connective tissue with collagen fibers.

How Does Skin Age?

Facial movements and expressions, such as squinting or smiling, lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Each time you use a facial muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin. And as skin ages, it loses its flexibility and is no longer able to spring back in place. These grooves then become permanent features on your face.

Allergies to plants and other substances can also cause skin aging. Inappropriate climate clothing and exposures to industrial and household chemicals as well as indoor heating can cause Loss of elasticity (elastosis), Non-cancerous skin growths (keratoacanthomas), and Pigment changes such as liver spots. Sun exposure has also been directly linked to skin cancers, including basal cell cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

What are the First Signs of Aging Skin?

When a person looks older, they are in fact older. A few common symptoms are sagging skin such as facial wrinkles, age spots, skin irritation, and dryness. These are the most apparent signs of aging.

At What Age Does Your Face Change Most?

Many people notice alterations to their faces around their 40s and 50s while others notice alterations at the age of 30. But the physical changes that come from age also affect the appearance of our faces and this is good for our health.


Skin aging is a very common and normal thing to happen to anyone. It is natural and you shouldn’t be scared of it. However, if you keep looking after yourself in terms of health then it is more likely for your skin to age later than usual. Drinking plenty of water, exercising, and eating healthy foods can be a great help in maintaining the stiffness of your skin. This can also prevent skin disorders from happening. Some factors that have the most effect on our skin are sunlight and impure water. You should use an effective sunscreen that provides maximum protection from ultraviolet rays. If any of this still doesn’t help then getting cosmetic surgery is also a great option provided you choose the right place.

Dr. Jim Brantner’s Plastic Surgery Clinic in Johnson City provides plastic and reconstructive surgery options. If you are looking for a reliable skin revival procedure, then Dr. Jim Brantner is the best you can get! We provide breast augmentation, skin tightening, and injectable solutions for your cosmetic problems. Contact us today and book an appointment!


Know the Different Types of Facelift Procedures

Know the Different Types of Facelift Procedures

 A facelift can help to improve the appearance of your face and make you look younger. But did you know that there are different types of facelift procedures? Depending on your goals, your surgeon may recommend a traditional facelift, mid facelift, a mini facelift, or even a neck lift.

With so much information out there, it can be hard to know what’s right for you. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to the different types of facelifts. Read on to learn more about your options and how to choose the right plastic surgery for you.

Traditional Facelift Surgery

A traditional facelift is a comprehensive procedure that can address concerns on the facial muscles, jawline, and neck. If you have significant sagging skin and wrinkles, a traditional facelift may be right for you. It can give you a more youthful appearance and help you to look your best.

Mini Facelift Surgery

A mini facelift is a less invasive option that can still provide excellent results. It is often used to address concerns on the lower half of the face, such as wrinkles around the mouth. A mini facelift can give you a refreshed appearance and help you to look your best.

Neck Face Lift

A neck lift is a procedure that can address concerns on the neck, such as loose skin or wrinkles. It will be tailored to your specific needs and can help you to achieve a more youthful appearance.

Brow Face Lift

A brow lift is a procedure that can address concerns on the forehead, such as wrinkles or sagging skin. With a brow lift, you can get a more youthful appearance with considerable facial rejuvenation.

Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift is a more invasive option that can address concerns on the face, jawline, and neck. It is often used to address significant sagging skin and wrinkles. With a deep plane facelift, you can achieve a more youthful appearance and help you to look your best.

SMAS Face Lift

A SMAS facelift is a more invasive option that can address concerns on the face, jawline, and neck. It is often used to address significant sagging skin and wrinkles. With a SMAS facelift, you can achieve a more youthful appearance and help you to look your best.

Choosing the Right Facelift Procedure for You

There are many factors to consider when choosing a facelift procedure. Your goals, budget, and overall health will all play a role in deciding which procedure is right for you. The best way to make a decision is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can assess your needs and recommend the best option for you.

If you’re considering a facelift, it’s important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They will be able to assess your goals and help you to choose the right procedure for you.

Takes Care of Excess Skin

If you have excess skin on your face, a facelift can help to remove it. Excess skin can cause wrinkles and make you look older. A facelift can help to improve the appearance of your face and make you look younger.

Can Address concerns on the Face, Jawline, and Neck

A traditional facelift can address concerns on the face, jawline, and neck. If you have significant sagging skin and wrinkles, a traditional facelift may be right for you. It can give you a more youthful appearance and help you to look your best.

Mini Facelifts are Less Invasive

A mini facelift is a less invasive option that can still provide excellent results. It is often used to address concerns on the lower half of the face, such as wrinkles around the mouth. A mini facelift can give you a refreshed appearance and help you to look your best.

Neck Lifts Address Concerns on the Neck

A neck lift is a procedure that can address concerns on the neck, such as loose skin or wrinkles. It can give you a more youthful appearance and help you to look your best. If you’re considering a facelift, it’s important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They will be able to assess your goals and help you to choose the right procedure for you.

Laser Resurfacing Also Works

Laser resurfacing is a great way to improve the appearance of your skin. It can help to remove wrinkles, fine lines, and other imperfections. With laser resurfacing, you can achieve smoother, younger-looking skin.

Fat Grafting Can Add Volume To The Face

Fat grafting is a procedure that can add volume to the face. There are certain areas on the face that can start to sag with age. With fat grafting, your face will gain more volume and appear fuller.

You Can Also Consider Non-Surgical Options

There are also non-surgical options that can help you improve your face’s appearance. These options include, but are not limited to, Botox, fillers, and chemical peels. Non-surgical options can still give you excellent results. Facials are a great way to improve the appearance of your skin. They can help to remove wrinkles, fine lines, and other imperfections. With a facial, you can achieve smoother, younger-looking facial skin.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re considering a facelift, you must consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They will be able to assess you and help you to choose the right procedure for you. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about your options.

Dr. Jim Brantner is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facelift procedures. He has over 20 years of experience and has helped many patients achieve their goals. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about your options.

Freshen Up Your Face With Cosmetic Facial Procedure

Freshen Up Your Face With Cosmetic Facial Procedure

With much of our lives spent indoors, many of us are starting to feel the effects that harsh artificial lighting and drying central heating can have on our skin. If your skin feels dull, dry, or generally in need of a pick-me-up, then a cosmetic facial procedure could be just what you need.

The cosmetic facial procedure involves using a small, handheld device to deliver a focused stream of hyaluronic acid and collagen to the skin’s surface. This energy helps to stimulate collagen production, which can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and other signs of aging. It can also help to improve the overall texture and tone of the skin in deeper peels.

What is a cosmetic facial procedure?

A cosmetic facial procedure is any type of medical procedure that is performed in order to improve the appearance of the face. This can include procedures such as facelifts, nose jobs, dermal fillers, and even Botox injections. Basically, anything that is done in order to make the face look better can be considered a cosmetic facial procedure. Skin resurfacing technology has made significant advances in recent years and now many people are looking toward these procedures to treat the discoloration smooth fine lines, deeper wrinkles, severe acne scars, loose skin, and improve the natural healing response of the skin.

There are many reasons why someone might want to undergo a cosmetic facial procedure. Perhaps they are unhappy with the way they look and feel that a change would make them feel better about themselves. Maybe they are hoping to correct a problem that has been bothering them for years, such as a crooked nose or sagging skin. Whatever the reason, cosmetic facial procedures can have a profound effect on a person’s appearance and confidence.

How does a cosmetic facial procedure work?

A cosmetic facial procedure works by using a small, handheld device to deliver a focused stream of energy to the skin. This energy helps to stimulate collagen production, which can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. It can also help to improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

Types of Cosmetic Facial Procedures

There are two main types of cosmetic facial procedures: microdermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing.

Microdermabrasion is a type of cosmetic facial procedure that uses a small, handheld device to deliver a focused stream of energy to the skin. This energy helps to stimulate collagen production, which can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. It can also help to improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

Laser skin resurfacing is a type of cosmetic facial procedure that uses a small, handheld device to deliver a focused stream of energy to the skin. This energy helps to stimulate collagen production, which can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. It can also help to improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

Effects on the skin tone

A cosmetic facial procedure can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. It can also help to improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

After a cosmetic facial procedure, you may notice that your skin looks and feels softer, smoother, and more hydrated. Your skin may also have a more even tone and a healthy glow.

Risks and side effects

Most people who have a cosmetic facial procedure experience no serious side effects. However, as with any medical procedure, there is always the potential for risks and complications.

Before you have a cosmetic facial procedure, be sure to discuss the risks and potential side effects with your doctor.

No More Acne Scars

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of your acne scars, a cosmetic facial procedure may be able to help. Acne scars are caused by the inflammation and damage that can occur when acne lesions rupture.

A cosmetic facial procedure can help to improve the appearance of acne scars by stimulating collagen production, which can help to repair the damaged skin.

Soften the Look of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

If you’re concerned about the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, a cosmetic facial procedure can help to soften their appearance.

A cosmetic facial procedure can help to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production, which can help to fill in the wrinkles and plump the skin.

Fade the Appearance of Age Spots

If you’re concerned about the appearance of age spots, a cosmetic facial procedure can help to fade their appearance.

A cosmetic facial procedure can help to improve the appearance of age spots by stimulating collagen production, which can help to lighten the dark pigmentation.

Take care of the Sagging Skin

If you’re concerned about the appearance of sagging skin, a cosmetic facial procedure can help to tighten the skin.

A cosmetic facial procedure can help to improve the appearance of sagging skin by stimulating collagen production, which can help to support the skin and give it a more youthful appearance.

Should You Go For This Kind of Cosmetic Surgery?

Before you decide to have a cosmetic facial procedure, it’s important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations.

Your plastic surgeon will be able to provide you with information about the risks and potential side effects of the procedure, as well as answer any questions you may have.

After you’ve had a chance to consult with a plastic surgeon, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether or not a cosmetic facial procedure is right for you.

What are the benefits of a cosmetic facial procedure?

The benefits of a cosmetic facial procedure include:

– Stimulating collagen production to help improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging

– Improving the overall texture and tone of the skin

– Helping to repair damage caused by acne scars

– Softening the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

– Fading the appearance of age spots

– Tightening sagging skin

Final Words

If you’re considering a cosmetic facial procedure, be sure to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations. Your plastic surgeon will be able to provide you with information about the risks and potential side effects of the procedure, as well as answer any questions you may have.

After you’ve had a chance to consult with a plastic surgeon, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether or not a cosmetic facial procedure is right for you.

Dr. Jim Brantner provides the best cosmetic facial procedures and plastic surgery in the Johnson City, Tennessee Area. For more information about Dr. Brantner get in touch today!

Get Smoother Skin With Micro Botox Facial Injections

Get Smoother Skin With Micro Botox Facial Injections

Micro Botox injections are a popular cosmetic treatment that can help improve the appearance of your skin. The procedure involves injecting a small amount of botulinum toxin into the facial muscles. This relaxes the muscles and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Micro Botox injections are quick and easy, and there is no downtime. The results can last for up to four months.

What is the micro-Botox treatment?

Micro-Botox treatment is a quick, easy and effective way to achieve smoother, younger-looking skin. It works by injecting a small amount of botulinum toxin into the facial muscles, which relaxes the muscles and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

The results of micro-Botox injections can last for up to four months, and there is no downtime required after the treatment.

How much does micro-Botox treatment cost?

The cost of micro-Botox treatment varies depending on the number of injections required. Typically, one session of micro-Botox injections can cost between $300 and $500.

Are there any side effects of micro-Botox treatment?

The most common side effect of micro-Botox treatment is temporary bruising and swelling at the injection site. Other potential side effects include headache, nausea and neck pain. However, these side effects are rare and usually resolve within a few days.

If you are considering micro-Botox injections, it is important to consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist to ensure that the procedure is right for you.

Difference between micro Botox and regular Botox injections

The main difference between micro Botox and traditional Botox injections is the amount of botulinum toxin that is injected. Micro Botox injections use a smaller amount of botulinum toxin, which results in a more subtle effect. Regular Botox injections use a larger amount of botulinum toxin, which can result in more visible results.

Micro Botox injections are a popular cosmetic treatment that can help improve the appearance of your skin by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The procedure is quick, easy, and effective, with results lasting for up to four months. There is no downtime required after micro Botox injections, and side effects are rare and usually resolve within a few days.

If you are considering micro Botox injections, it is important to consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist to ensure that the procedure is right for you.

Benefits of Micro Botox

There are many benefits of micro Botox, including:

Perfect for acne-prone skin

Acne and blemishes can give your skin a rough texture, uneven tone, and dull appearance. If you’re struggling with blemishes, you may want to consider micro Botox injections.

Micro Botox can help improve the appearance of acne-prone skin by reducing the size of the sebaceous glands. This helps to reduce the production of sebum, which can clog pores and lead to breakouts.

Reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines

The treatment can also help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Botulinum toxin works by relaxing the muscles, which can help to smooth out the skin.

Micro Botox injections can also help to improve the appearance of crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and “11” lines between the eyebrows.

Smoothing of rough skin texture

If you have a rough, uneven skin texture, micro Botox can help to smooth it out. The treatment can also help to improve the appearance of pores.

Tightening of loose skin

As we age, our skin starts to lose collagen and elasticity, which can lead to sagging and wrinkles. Micro Botox injections can help to tighten loose skin and improve its elasticity.

The treatment can also help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Clears skin tone

Micro Botox can help to even out your skin tone by reducing the production of melanin. This can help to lighten areas of pigmentation and give your skin a more even appearance.

It can also help to reduce the appearance of age spots, sun spots, and melasma.

Brightening of the skin

If you have dull, tired-looking skin, micro Botox can help to brighten it up. The treatment can also help to reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Can be used on all skin types

One of the great things about micro Botox is that it can be used on all skin types. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, you can benefit from the treatment.

It is important to note that micro Botox is not a substitute for sunscreen. You should still use sunscreen every day to protect your skin cells from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Relaxation of muscle tension

Micro Botox can also help to relax muscle tension. This can help to improve the appearance of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, migraines, and teeth grinding.

The treatment can also help to reduce the appearance of a “gummy smile”.

Reduces the size of sebaceous glands

Sebaceous glands are responsible for producing sebum, which is an oily substance that can clog pores and lead to breakouts. Micro Botox injections can help reduce the size of sweat and oil glands, which can help to reduce the production of sebum and the occurrence of breakouts.

Consult Your Personal Physician

If you’re considering micro Botox injections, it is important to consult with your personal physician or a qualified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist first. They will be able to assess your individual needs and recommend the best course of treatment.

They will also be able to answer any questions you have about the procedure and the potential side effects.

The Bottom Line

Micro Botox injections can offer a number of benefits, including reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. The treatment can also help to improve the appearance of rough skin texture and brighten up dull, tired-looking skin.

If you’re considering micro Botox, be sure to consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist first. They will be able to assess your individual needs and recommend the best course of micro Botox treatments.

Dr. Jim Brantner M.D. is a leading plastic surgeon and cosmetic surgeon in Johnson City. Dr. Branter is adept in the latest surgical techniques and approaches to plastic surgery, cosmetic fillers, body sculpting, reconstructive surgery, cosmetic surgery, and more. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

Dislike The Look of Your Ears? Go For Otoplasty!

Dislike The Look of Your Ears? Go For Otoplasty!

Dislike The Look of Your Ears? Go For Otoplasty!

For many people, their ears aren’t that much of a problem and they don’t give it the time of day. However, for others, having large ears, excess skin, or ear deformities is something they’ve always disliked about themselves and has been the source of feelings of insecurity and unease. So, if you dislike the look of your ears? Go For Otoplasty!

Otoplasty can be carried out on young children after the age of 5. It is also possible to have it at any time in adult life. By the age of 13, most children’s ears are almost fully grown, so otoplasty before this age has a better chance of achieving good results without the child having to undergo more surgery later in life.

What is Ear Surgery or Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure for correcting the shape, size, and position of a person’s ears. It can create smaller or more symmetrical ears by removing excess cartilage, reshaping the ear, and inserting an artificial material to give the ear support. This surgery can also be used to pin back prominent ears that have been misshapen or stick out too far.

Otoplasty is often used to correct the appearance of prominent ears, but it can also be used for other reasons, such as to repair damaged or deformed ears or to treat certain types of hearing loss. Ear surgery usually takes one-and-a-half hours and is performed under general anesthesia at a surgical facility. Patients stay overnight in a hospital and can return to their normal activities after two weeks.

Ear Problems That Can Be Treated With Otoplasty

Before undergoing otoplasty, your surgeon should explain why he or she recommends the procedure for you. This is especially important if you’re considering surgery as a child since children’s ears are still developing. If the cartilage in your ear is misshapen, otoplasty can correct this problem. Excess cartilage may be due to abnormal tissue growth or scar tissue; both of these problems can be corrected with surgery.

Protruding Ears vs Prominent Ears

Protruding ears are those that stick out from your head. The true protruding ear is very uncommon and most people have stretched tissue with some folds of skin along the upper ridge of their ear, but without large ‘lobes’. This usually does not need surgical correction, though sometimes otoplasty may be used to improve them aesthetically.

Prominent ears are those that stick out from the head significantly. They may have large lobes or be unusually shaped or may have a gap between the upper part of the ear and the lower part. The prominent ear can occur because of where your ears start growing on your head, a condition known as concha-basal plate malformation, or because of the over-arching antithetical fold.

The Different Types of Otoplasty Surgery

There are three types of otoplasty procedures:

Ear Pinning – The goal of ear pinning surgery is to reduce the size and projection of prominent ears. It can be performed through a simple incision behind the ear or by making an incision hidden in the crease under your bottom eyelid. In most cases, doctors use a combination of incisions for this procedure.

Ear Reduction – Ear reduction surgery is used to reduce the size of enlarged ears or to correct misshapen ears. For teens with prominent ears, ear reduction may be done at the same time as an otoplasty, but in most cases, it’s delayed until adolescence has passed and the child’s ears have stopped growing.

Ear Lobe Repair – During ear lobe repair surgery, the surgeon may cut out small sections of scar tissue or correct the torn earlobes. The goal is to achieve a natural look and shape for your deformed or torn ear lobes. If you’ve recently had an otoplasty procedure, this surgery can sometimes be done at the same time.

How to Prepare for Your Surgery?

Because ear surgery is usually performed on children, it may be helpful to attend a support group meeting for parents of children who’ve had otoplasty. Most hospitals and clinics that perform otoplasty offer these meetings; the staff at your hospital or clinic can tell you how to find one nearby.

As with other types of surgery, it’s a good idea to have an honest conversation with your doctor about your medical history. Talk to your doctor about any medication you’re taking, including supplements and over-the-counter drugs, because some medications can increase the risk of bleeding or interfere with anesthesia.

Since children often need ear surgery, be sure to ask your doctor if he or she is using a local anesthetic or IV sedation to correct the ears that stick.

Ear Surgery Recovery

In the recovery process, you will need to wear a headband or bandage on your ears for two weeks. You cannot put any pressure on this area, including sleeping on your stomach or with your head hanging down. The day after surgery, most people can return to school or work if their job doesn’t require strenuous activity. Most children, however, will need to take one week off from school.

Benefits of Ear Pinning Surgery

With ear pinning surgery, you can enjoy a more naturally shaped ear that doesn’t stick out as much. In addition to improving the look of your ears, ear pinning surgery may also reduce the risk of injury and infection. Of course, results vary from patient to patient. Complications such as bleeding, scarring or fluid accumulation are possible, though rare.

Side Effects of Otoplasty Procedure

Ear pinning surgery is generally safe, but it’s still major surgery and comes with inherent risks associated with anesthesia and any type of surgical procedure. Some possible complications of ear pinning surgery include:

Bleeding or hematoma (blood collecting under the skin) – This risk is greater for people who take blood-thinning medications or have a history of bleeding disorders. In most cases, the blood collects in pockets at the incision site and then dissipates without treatment.

Infection – To reduce your risk of infection, follow all post-operative instructions carefully, including cleaning and covering your ears as directed by your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to take during recovery, but only use the medication as directed and complete the full course – don’t stop just because you feel better.

Dr. Jim Brantner M.D. provides the best solution for otoplasty, ear pinning surgery in Johnson City. He is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in surgical & non-surgical plastic surgery of the face and body like otoplasty, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and more. For more details, get in touch today!

Before Getting a Facelift: What You Need to Know

Before Getting a Facelift: What You Need to Know

Getting a facelift is one of the most popular and effective plastic surgery procedures in America. But before you go ahead with this procedure, it’s important to understand what to expect. We’re going to talk about the benefits of having a facelift, as well as some things that you may want to think about before making your decision.

What is a Facelift?

The perfect way to describe a facelift is that it’s an operation designed in order to tighten loose skin and muscles around the neck and face. When you get older, your body produces less collagen (a protein that adds volume), resulting in facial changes such as:

– Lines or wrinkles on the forehead

– Drooping eyebrows

– Sagging lower eyelids

– Sagging jowls or neck areas

These are all factors that contribute to a face, which can make you look older than your age. A facelift is one of the best and most effective ways for restoring younger-looking skin without having to resort to drastic measures like surgery on other parts of your body.

Benefits of Having a Facelift:

There are many benefits and advantages to getting a facelift. People report increased feelings of confidence, self-esteem as well as happiness after having the procedure done. That’s because people who have had this surgery look more refreshed and younger than they did before the operation took place. Some patients say that they feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of their shoulders after the surgery because it’s allowed them to have better confidence in themselves and how others perceive them.

But, before you go ahead with this procedure, it’s important to understand what to expect.

Who Should Not Get a Facelift?

People who should not get a facelift are those with serious medical conditions such as:

– Significant high blood pressure that can’t be controlled by medication or other treatments. This is because a facelift requires the patient to have both good circulation as well as overall heart health in order for everything to go smoothly during and after surgery.

– Uncontrolled diabetes. The same reasoning as to why people with high blood pressure shouldn’t get a facelift also applies to those who have uncontrolled cases of diabetes.

– Serious respiratory problems or lung conditions such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema should avoid getting this surgery because it requires the patient to be in good overall health.

– People who are in poor overall condition or have a weak immune system should not get this surgery because their bodies are already unable to recover from certain causes of stress and therefore can’t handle the added burden of going through facial cosmetic changes.

What You Need to Know:

You should know that you can’t undo or reverse this procedure once it takes place. That means if for some reason you aren’t happy with the results, you’ll have to live with it for as long as you want. If that’s something that makes you nervous or uneasy about having a facelift, then maybe this isn’t right for you and your body.

You should also know what steps are involved in getting a facelift done before going ahead with it because there are risks and dangers that are associated with this type of surgery.

As with any surgery, you’ll need to allow time for your body and skin to heal properly. That means not doing things like picking up heavy objects or working out until the doctor says it’s okay. It can take anywhere from two weeks all the way up to six months before you’re fully recovered so patience is key when dealing with this


There are a lot of benefits to getting a facelift done. If you’re serious about having it done, then make sure you know what steps are involved in the process before going ahead with it because there’s no going back once it takes place. That is why it’s important to know all of the facts and details at your disposal before making this type of decision.

Dr. Jim Brantner M.D.  is a leading expert in cosmetic surgery. He believes that every patient deserves the best possible care and attention during their time under his supervision so they can feel completely at ease with how everything is being handled throughout the course of their treatment plan, from start to finish.